The Great MnUSA Tab Off

As a club, we would like to be part of “The Great MnUSA Tab Off”. It’s simple and everyone of us can participate. All you need to do is collect the aluminum tabs from the tops of your favorite beverage, be it beer, pop, soup, juices, any can with an aluminum pull tab. These tabs will be given to the Ronald McDonald House Charity. The Ronald McDonald House has been providing a home away from home and support to families seeking medical care for their children since 1980. They collect can tabs because they’re cleaner, smaller, and easier to collect in large quantities. Furthermore, the tab is made of a desirable high quality, high-grade aluminum that brings a more lucrative rate of return than regular grade aluminum. Collect your tabs and bring them to our final club meeting for the season April 4th, 2023, and give them to Mike Schulz who is coordinating this charitable project for us.